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jason basin

A member registered Nov 06, 2019

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Thanks for your reply. It makes sense. I read here that some games wont run on Intel HD 3000 chipset. Luckily my laptop has switchable graphics so I can force it to use an AMD driver. It's a bit of a nightmare. By the time I've got through this, Silent Hills will seem like a walk in the park :)

(7 edits)

Help, 'The global shader cache file ...Engine/GlobalShaderCache-PCD3D_SM4.bin is missing.  Your application was built to load COOKED content.'

 Perhaps I'll glance again and see it lurking in the shadows :)

Update:  I ran DXDiag.EXE from the start menu. It says I have DirectX v12 and I think I need DirectX11.

OK I've got a DirectX11 Emulator

I run the emulator. Add to list...., Add PLayable Teaser.exe to the list. Tick the Force Warp Tickbox and hit apply. Leave the emulator open and run the game.

It now says 'DX11 feature level 10.0 required to run the engine.'